4 cups of coffee cuts chances of conceiving by 26%

posted under by NSmurthy
Women, please note, you can jolly well sip one or two cups of hot coffee every day, but if you have fertility problems, then downing more than four could reduce your chances of getting pregnant.Researchers at Roadbed University in the Netherlands have based their findings on an analysis of 9,000 women who had received IVF treatment to get pregnant naturally between 1985 and 1995.
They found that around one in seven did, but drinking more than four cups of coffee a day cut chances of conceiving by around 26 per cent. In fact, they noted that 16 per cent of the women went on to conceive naturally, 45 per cent within six months of their last IVF treatment, the BBC News portal reported. Drinking alcohol at least three times a week carried the same risk as excessive caffeine intake. But smoking more than one cigarette a day and being overweight reduced the chances of pregnancy even more, the study revealed.
Researchers said a 36year-old woman who smoked, drank too much coffee and alcohol and was overweight, and who had been through three cycles of IVF, would have five per cent chance of a having pregnancy. If she was a healthy and did not smoke or have too much caffeine or alcohol, her chance would be 15 per cent. “We have to remind our patients that they may influence their chance of spontaneous pregnancy after IVF with a healthy lifestyle,” Dr Lin sten said.
